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The Amazing Adventures of Bub & Tub Volume One

By Gillian Wells - ISBN: 9781922444219

RRP: $24

The Adventures of Bub andamp Tub Volume One
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Author Bio

Gillian is a lovely English lady who lives with her cattle dog Jess. She has three children living in Australia, France and England and four grandchildren. She loves meeting people and has travelled widely in Australia and is one of Australia’s best known and enjoyed authors.

The Adventures of Bub and Tub series are Gillian's first children's books to be published with Boots & Scoots being her third children's book. Gillian is also the author of over ten additional adult books which include Alone, Belonging, Families, Lost, Returned, Consequences,
Travelling, Inheritance, Possession
and coming in 2024… Compulsion and Fear.

The Amazing Adventures of Bub & Tub Volume One

By Gillian Wells - ISBN: 9781922444219

Price $24

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Bub & Tub's adventures are fun, exciting, and easy to enjoy.

Tub is a small rather naughty black and white dog and his best mate, a small grey pony called Bub.
They both like exploring and getting into all sorts of scrapes.
There are other animals too like Mr Roo, the Kookaburra family, and other dogs.
Emily whom they belong to, loves them and they her.
They all look out for each other, only Emily has the idea she looks after them, though it's the other way around.
The animals all talk to each other, but the humans don't understand.
They all live in the outback and the country around them is their playground. So, from swimming in the creek to making up a circus, to getting lost and found, the adventures are many and varied.

Come along for an experience you will savour as animals show humans how to be the best they can be...especially when they are not looking...

"A wonderful array of fresh, fun filled tales by a talented author who has a passion for storytelling and an obvious love of animals... Each has a personality that shines through... Thoroughly recommend this for all ages..." Patricia, Indie Book reviewer 



Gillian Wells: Independent Fiction & Childrens Author
Gillian Wells: Independent Fiction & Childrens Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author
Gillian Wells Independent Author